Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Cloudera Manager Server Metrics

In addition to these base metrics, many aggregate metrics are available. If an entity type has parents defined, you can formulate all possible aggregate metrics using the formula base_metric_across_parents.

In addition, metrics for aggregate totals can be formed by adding the prefix total_ to the front of the metric name.

Use the type-ahead feature in the Cloudera Manager chart browser to find the exact aggregate metric name, in case the plural form does not end in "s".

Metric Name Description Unit Parents CDH Version
c3p0_num_busy_connections C3p0 busy database connections connections   n/a
c3p0_num_connections C3p0 database connections connections   n/a
c3p0_num_idle_connections C3p0 idle connections connections   n/a
c3p0_stmt_cache_num_stmt_default_user C3p0 default user statement cache size entries   n/a
c3p0_thread_pool_num_tasks_pending C3p0 tasks pending in thread pool tasks   n/a
c3p0_thread_pool_size C3p0 thread pool size threads   n/a
cm_active_database_command Cloudera Manager active database commands events   n/a
cm_admin_console_connections Cloudera Manager accepted connections connections   n/a
cm_admin_console_connections_open Cloudera Manager open connections connections   n/a
cm_admin_console_requests_rate Cloudera Manager admin console requests requests per second   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_failed_rate The number of Cloudera Manager Agent heartbeats processed by the Cloudera Manager server that encountered an error. heartbeats per second   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processed_rate The number of Cloudera Manager Agent heartbeats processed by the Cloudera Manager server. heartbeats per second   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_75th_percentile 75th percentile of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_999th_percentile 99.9th percentile of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_99th_percentile 99th percentile of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_avg Mean of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_max Max of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_median Median of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_min Min of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_rate Number of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration heartbeats per second   n/a
cm_agent_heartbeats_processing_duration_stddev Standard Deviation of Cloudera Manager Agent Heartbeats Processing Duration ms   n/a
cm_clock_offset_with_smon The clock offset between Cloudera Manager Server and the Service Monitor ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_75th_percentile 75th percentile of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_999th_percentile 99.9th percentile of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_99th_percentile 99th percentile of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_avg Mean of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_max Max of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_median Median of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_min Min of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_rate Number of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration events per second   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_stddev Standard Deviation of Serialized Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_bumps_by_configuration_change_rate Cluster descriptor transaction generation bumps events per second   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_bumps_by_explicit_call_rate Cluster descriptor explicit generation bumps events per second   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_75th_percentile 75th percentile of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_999th_percentile 99.9th percentile of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_99th_percentile 99th percentile of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_avg Mean of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_max Max of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_median Median of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_min Min of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_rate Number of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration events per second   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_duration_stddev Standard Deviation of Cluster Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_cluster_descriptor_generation_timeout_rate Cluster descriptor generation timeouts events per second   n/a
cm_command_storage_dir_free_space Free space on the filesystem hosting the Cloudera Manager Server command data directory. bytes   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_75th_percentile 75th percentile of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_999th_percentile 99.9th percentile of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_99th_percentile 99th percentile of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_avg Mean of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_max Max of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_median Median of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_min Min of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_rate Number of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration events per second   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_and_hash_generation_duration_stddev Standard Deviation of Serialized Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_75th_percentile 75th percentile of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_999th_percentile 99.9th percentile of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_99th_percentile 99th percentile of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_avg Mean of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_max Max of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_median Median of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_min Min of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_rate Number of Config Descriptor Generation Duration events per second   n/a
cm_config_descriptor_generation_duration_stddev Standard Deviation of Config Descriptor Generation Duration ms   n/a
cm_database_size Size of the database being used by the Cloudera Manager Server bytes   n/a
cm_embedded_database_free_space Free space on the partition hosting the "embedded" PostgreSQL server. bytes   n/a
cm_failed_database_command_in_batch_mode_rate Cloudera Manager failed database command batches events per second   n/a
cm_hard_stopped_database_command_rate Cloudera Manager hard-stopped database commands events per second   n/a
cm_hb_service_time Cloudera Manager observed average agent heartbeat service time. ms   n/a
cm_hb_turnaround_time Cloudera Manager observed average Agent heartbeat turnaround time ms   n/a
cm_retried_database_command_rate Cloudera Manager retried database commands events per second   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_75th_percentile 75th percentile of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_999th_percentile 99.9th percentile of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_99th_percentile 99th percentile of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_avg Mean of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_max Max of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_median Median of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_min Min of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_rate Number of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration events per second   n/a
cm_search_repository_index_build_duration_stddev Standard Deviation of Cloudera Manager Search Repository Index Build Duration ms   n/a
jvm_cpu Percentage of CPU used by Cloudera Manager process percent   n/a
jvm_daemon_threads Daemon threads threads   n/a
jvm_free_memory The amount of free memory in the Java virtual machine. bytes   n/a
jvm_gc_cpu Percentage of CPU used by Cloudera Manager garbage collections percent   n/a
jvm_gc_rate Number of garbage collections garbage collections per second   n/a
jvm_gc_time_ms_rate Total time spent garbage collecting. ms per second   n/a
jvm_heap_used Total amount of heap memory used by Cloudera Manager bytes   n/a
jvm_max_memory The maximum amount of memory that the Java virtual machine will attempt to use. bytes   n/a
jvm_peak_threads Peak threads threads   n/a
jvm_started_threads_rate Total started threads threads per second   n/a
jvm_total_memory The total amount of memory in the Java virtual machine. bytes   n/a
jvm_total_threads Total threads threads   n/a
mgmt_cm_admin_console_requests_rate message.metrics.mgmt_cm_admin_console_requests.desc requests per second   n/a
pause_time_rate Total time spent paused. This is the total extra time the pause monitor thread spent sleeping on top of the requested 500 ms. ms per second   n/a
pauses_rate Number of pauses detected. The pause monitor thread sleeps for 500 ms and calculates the extra time it spent paused on top of the sleep time. If the extra sleep time exceeds 1 second, it treats it as one pause. pauses per second   n/a
Page generated July 25, 2018.