Cloudera Enterprise 6.0.x | Other versions

Step 2: Install Java Development Kit

Step 1: Configure a Repository Step 2: Install Java Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server Step 4: Install Databases Step 5: Set Up the Cloudera Manager Database Step 6: Install CDH and Other Software Step 7: Set Up a Cluster

To install the Oracle JDK, you can either install the version provided by Cloudera using Cloudera Manager, or a different version directly from Oracle.

Continue reading:


  • The installed JDK must be a supported version as documented in Java Requirements.
  • The same version of the Oracle JDK must be installed on each cluster host.
  • The JDK must be installed at /usr/java/jdk-version.
  • The RHEL-compatible and Ubuntu operating systems supported by Cloudera Enterprise 6 all use AES-256 encryption by default for tickets. To support AES-256 bit encryption in JDK versions lower than 1.8u161, you must install the Java Cryptography Extension (JCE) Unlimited Strength Jurisdiction Policy File on all cluster and Hadoop user machines. Cloudera Manager can automatically install the policy files, or you can install them manually. For JCE Policy File installation instructions, see the README.txt file included in the file. JDK 1.8u161 and higher enable unlimited strength encryption by default, and do not require policy files.
  • On SLES platforms, do not install or try to use the IBM Java version bundled with the SLES distribution. CDH does not run correctly with that version.

Installing the JDK Using Cloudera Manager

  Note: Cloudera, Inc. acquired Oracle JDK software under the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement. Pursuant to Item D(v)(a) of the SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS of the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement, use of JDK software is governed by the terms of the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement. By installing the JDK software, you agree to be bound by these terms. If you do not wish to be bound by these terms, then do not install the Oracle JDK.

After completing Step 1: Configure a Repository for Cloudera Manager, you can install the Oracle JDK on the Cloudera Manager Server host using your package manager as follows:

  • RHEL Compatible
    sudo yum install oracle-j2sdk1.8
  • SLES
    sudo zypper install oracle-j2sdk1.8
  • Ubuntu
    sudo apt-get install oracle-j2sdk1.8

You can use Cloudera Manager to install the JDK on the remaining cluster hosts in an upcoming step. Continue to Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server.

Installing the JDK Manually

The Oracle JDK installer is available both as an RPM-based installer for RPM-based systems, and as a .tar.gz file. These instructions are for the .tar.gz file.

  1. Download the .tar.gz file for one of the 64-bit supported versions of the Oracle JDK from Java SE 8 Downloads. (This link is correct at the time of writing, but can change.)
      Note: If you want to download the JDK directly using a utility such as wget, you must accept the Oracle license by configuring headers, which are updated frequently. Blog posts and Q&A sites can be a good source of information on how to download a particular JDK version using wget.
  2. Extract the JDK to /usr/java/jdk-version. For example:
    tar xvfz /path/to/jdk-8u<update_version>-linux-x64.tar.gz -C /usr/java/
  3. Repeat this procedure on all cluster hosts. After you have finished, continue to Step 3: Install Cloudera Manager Server.
Page generated July 25, 2018.